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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Hopo Gold Coast Ferry is open and COVID Safe

Hopo Gold Coast Ferry is committed to conducting the highest health and safety practices and ensuring that our tourism services are COVID Safe. We continue to work closely with Government and industry experts to ensure that our organisation is conducting the highest level of health and safety practices and that our tourism services are COVID-safe. 

COVID-19 vaccination requirements 

From 1:00 AM, Thursday 14 April, check-in and vaccination requirements will no longer be required in our venues.

COVID-19 screening declaration 

Please do not visit our premises if you:

  • have experienced cold/flu-like symptoms in the past 72 hours, e.g.  fever, cough, sore throat, headache, distorted sense of taste, shortness of breath, chills, vomiting
  • have been in the past 14 days, a close contact with an active COVID-19 case or in a COVID-19 exposure site as defined by the Chief Health Officer
  • have been advised to quarantine as required by the Nation and Queensland Public Health Directives
  • are not willing to follow the current National and Queensland Public Health Directives e.g. mask-wearing as required

Please get in touch if any of the above apply, and we will work with you regarding your specific situation. Management may refuse service and entry if a person is unfit to travel or poses a safety risk.

COVID-19 density limits 

As only fully vaccinated or vaccination exempt Guests, Team Members, Contractors and Supply Partners are permitted in our venues, no density limits apply. Kindly note, that while physical distancing is encouraged, it may not be possible at all times during your tour.

COVID-19 safe procedures

We undertake regular reviews of our COVID Safe procedures and update them as necessary to ensure these meet current legislation, best practice standards and measures for COVID-19 risk mitigation. We are committed to fulfilling the recommendations provided by Queensland Health and the Queensland Tourism Industry Council and have procedures in place to:

  • increasing cleaning and sanitisation
  • improving ventilation, where appropriate
  • ensuring that hand sanitiser is available
  • encouraging good hygiene, including the regular washing of hands
  • wearing masks, where required
  • encouraging physically distancing, where appropriate
  • installing safety screens and sneeze guards, where appropriate
  • facilitating regular staff training on COVID Safe protocols

Further information

We encourage Guests to visit the Queensland Government’s page to see the complete list of restrictions before your visit. For more information, please call 13 COVID (13 43 68) at any time.

Get in touch 

Our friendly Guest Services Team is available seven days a week to support these uncertain times. Don’t hesitate to contact us for any enquiries or further information via email at

Thank you for your support and cooperation to assist us in creating a safe environment for our Team Members, Guests, Contractors and Supply Partners.

Updated: 13 April 2022